On-line monitoring
Release time: 2022-11-23 Source: Guoke Environmental ProtectionViews: 2319 times

In view of the characteristics of high water vapor content, complex working conditions and components of organic waste gas, the standard gas chromatographic analysis method and double valve double column single hydrogen flame ionization detector (FID) technology were used to detect methane, non-methane total hydrocarbons and other parameters with high accuracy。The pretreatment method conforms to the US EPA and domestic organic waste gas measurement standards, adopts the full heat method design, the whole process of high temperature tracing sample transmission, high temperature FID detection, high reliability。With a variety of applications such as conventional, explosion-proof design, can be applied to different safety requirements of the working conditions, stable and reliable operation。

Support multi-channel collection and dual reporting, to achieve online monitoring of the total amount and main components of organic waste gas treatment before and after, on the one hand to achieve integration with the treatment device, on the other hand to meet the requirements reported to the environmental protection department。

The system mainly includes the following components:

◆ Temperature and pressure flow detector

◆ Sampling subsystem

◆ Gas supply subsystem

◆ Monitoring subsystem

◆ Data analysis and control subsystem

◆ Data acquisition and reporting module (dual route reporting)

Key features:

◆ Detection content: NMHC, CH4, THC, benzene, toluene, xylene, etc.

◆ The whole process of high temperature tracing;

◆ Support multi-channel exhaust gas detection, detection time ratio can be freely allocated;

◆ Wide range (minimum detection limit 0.01ppm) : 0 ~ 10/50/100/500/1000/10000 ppm;

◆ Response time: 20 ~ 180 seconds;

◆ Linearity: 1% full range;Accuracy: 1%FS;

◆ 零点漂移:<0.01ppm/24 hours

◆ 量程漂移:<0.02ppm/24 hours

◆ Data storage: data stored for more than 30 days can be exported;

◆ Automatic diagnosis: automatic diagnosis of flameout and other fault alarm;

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